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Addiction Recovery Centers

At Addiction Recovery Centers, we advise you to seek professional assistance if you’re planning to fight your substance addiction. Don’t attempt to handle the issue on your own!

Is going cold turkey the best way?

No, and we wouldn’t advise you try it. Not only is quitting your addiction cold turkey largely ineffective, but it can become life-threatening as well. Depending on the substance you’re using, as well as the severity of the addiction itself, the effects may include seizures and heart problems. In the majority of the cases, attempting to quit cold turkey will only cause you to relapse and lose some of your faith in the rehab process along the way.

The dangers don’t stop there, as going cold turkey may also set the stage for an overdose during the relapse phase. Ending your normal consumption abruptly may significantly decrease your brain’s tolerance to the substance. If you relapse and return to your normal habits, the risk of overdose will increase dramatically. These are the reasons why we advise people to come to us for help instead. We can ensure the success of the rehab treatment, as you will recover in a safe, controlled environment.

What is the recovery process?

We view the recovery process as a life transformation project that begins at our high-end centers and continues long after that. At our addiction recovery centers, we lay the foundation of a life-long rehabilitation process, designed to change you forever. The rehab process comprises a multitude of clinical and personal development strategies, including:

  • Drug and alcohol detox services
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Dual-diagnosis support
  • Psychotherapy, emotional trauma healing, and counseling
  • Relapse prevention and lifestyle improvement
  • Personal development strategies, etc.

The recovery process aims to walk you through a process of personal enlightenment. It is at our centers where you will reconsider your priorities in life and learn to accept change as part of who you are.

How to stop doing drugs now?

The first step to take is acceptance. Acknowledge your problem and accept to get the treatment that will save your life! It will definitely be the most difficult thing you will do, as most victims of addiction display consistent denial when having to accept their issues. But this is a vital step in the rehab process. Only after you will understand and accept your situation will you be able to follow through with a comprehensive rehab treatment.

The next step should be signing in a professional detox and recovery program. It is the safest, most effective way of dealing with even the most advanced forms of addiction. At our addiction recovery centers, you will receive clinical treatment, along with therapeutic support, and lifestyle improvement tips from experienced professionals.

It is critical for your wellbeing and safety to remain under expert supervision for the entire duration of the rehab treatment. If you need someone to discuss your problems with, contact us, at Addiction Recovery Centers! We will happily devise a rehab plan fit to your needs and capabilities today.