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Drug Treatment Centers Phoenix

Professional assistance is vital when it comes to drug addiction. Although it might seem like it, you cannot escape addiction on your own, and we don’t advise attempting it. At Addiction Recovery Centers, we’ll help you to overcome this critical stage in your life.

Our drug treatment centers in Phoenix operate according to the highest standards in the practice. Our success and popularity speak volumes about the professionalism and the dedication we use in the process. Compared to many rehab institutions, we believe that addiction is a vicious disorder that may relapse at any point during your lifetime.

To prevent that, we’ve built a rehabilitation program that focuses on both the immediate and the long-term benefits. The system we’re using relies on:

Comprehensive detoxification plan

The detoxification strategy is common in the vast majority of the cases of addiction. Most rehab facilities use it in the initial stage of the treatment when the goal is to overcome withdrawal and stabilize the patient’s condition. Many other rehab centers use it as a sole rehab method, without using anything else than assisted medication.

We separate ourselves from these methods and take a different approach instead. We use medication in the long run, especially when talking about advanced stages of addiction. Preventing the relapse sometimes requires a regular medication plan, at least for several years down the line.

On top of that, we combine the detoxification strategy with counseling sessions and a variety of activities and psychotherapies. Just as we treat the body, we must also address the mind and the spirit, for a well-rounded experience and long-lasting benefits.

The mind-body-spirit connection

Aside from the detoxification treatment, we also use a variety of other procedures and strategies in our drug treatment centers in Phoenix. Most victims of drug addiction develop additional mental disorders, many of which end up becoming highly debilitation. Dealing with depression, sleeping problems, aggressivity or apathy is not easy, but we must do it.

With our help, you will regain your mental composure, as well as your emotional stability. We have a multitude of psychotherapies and counseling sessions, specifically designed to help you recover and heal.

The benefits include:

  • Increased cognitive abilities
  • Emotional stability in the long run
  • More confidence and self-esteem
  • A boost of positivity
  • Mental strength and vigor
  • Enhanced social skills, etc.

Relapse and aftercare

The rehabilitation program consists of two main phases: the inpatient and the outpatient treatment. We use the outpatient program as an extension of the inpatient one, focusing on long-term care and support. Overcoming withdrawal is only the first stage of the treatment. The next one involves the aftercare period which is vital for promoting a life of sobriety and happiness.

Here, at our drug treatment centers in Phoenix, we help people become socially active again. We’ll teach you how to adopt a healthier and happier lifestyle, and how to build a better future for you and your family. Contact us, at Addiction Recovery Centers, and let’s get started!

Drug Treatment Centers Phoenix