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Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Phoenix

Having to leave with addiction every day can be an emotionally devastating experience. At Addiction Recovery Centers, our mission is to pull you out of the disease that’s destroying your life. Our outpatient alcohol rehab in Phoenix is the rope you will climb towards salvation.

How to help an alcoholic?

Convince them to begin the rehab immediately! Alcoholism goes through several stages, and the sooner you begin the treatment, the easier it will be to contain the compulsive behavior. Since it’s a chronic disease, it goes without saying that most self-help strategies will inevitably fail. The more severe the withdrawal becomes, the more difficult it will be for the addict to remain sober.

We urge you to contact our expert and plan the next moves carefully! If you care about the wellbeing of the addict, you should get them to sign in our outpatient program as soon as possible. It is their only chance of dealing with the illness fast before it aggravates any further.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient rehab

The differences between the programs are significant, as they are designed to address different forms of drug and alcohol addiction. The inpatient program is ideal for the more severe stages of chemical addiction, when the patient requires detox services, in a controlled, safe environment. The addict will remain under 24/7 supervision for the entire duration of the treatment for a plus of safety.

The outpatient alcohol rehab in Phoenix will focus on the less severe cases of addiction, where the patient doesn’t require permanent assistance. They will only participate in weekly meetings, drug screenings, and therapy sessions, designed to prevent long-term relapse and promote sobriety and healthy living. The outpatient program functions as an extension of the inpatient treatment, but with more freedom and less emotional and mental distress.

Is the outpatient treatment effective?

Studies show that the outpatient rehab treatment plays a key role in expanding the benefits of the inpatient program. The purpose of the inpatient program is to stabilize your condition and contain the compulsive behavior that forces you to relapse each time you attempt to quit. With that stage completed, the outpatient program is the next phase, allowing you to test the newly gained skills in the society.

In most cases, patients who return home after completing the inpatient rehab have difficulties adjusting to the new environment. They move from a closed, controlled setting, where other people cared for their needs for months on end, to one where they will need to take care of themselves. It can be a mentally and emotionally stressful situation; one which we will easily prevent through our outpatient alcohol rehab in Phoenix.

This program will allow for a smoother transition between the inpatient care, to complete physiological independence, where the patients will regain control over their lives. At Addiction Recovery Centers, we want to help you fight for your future on your own terms. Take the wheel, and make the smart decision! Contact our team now for appointment, diagnosis, and treatment!