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Most addiction treatment facilities take the traditional route when it comes to treating alcohol use disorder which involves detoxification, therapy, and maintenance support. While this approach has its own merits, there is another technique of addressing alcohol abuse that is steadily growing in popularity – the Sinclair Method.

If you or any of your loved one is struggling with alcohol use disorder, it is best that the addiction rehab in Mesa, Arizona that you would be considering offers the Sinclair Method as one of its recovery solutions. This way you are assured that you have the freedom to choose the treatment option that you believe would be most suitable for you.

What is the Sinclair Method?

While conventional addiction treatment methods are effective in helping people with alcohol use disorder, many patients in recovery often fail to achieve long-term sobriety because they cannot resist the temptation to drink once rehab is over. We, at Addiction Recovery Centers, understand that complete abstinence would be extremely difficult and even a roadblock to total recovery, which is why we also offer the Sinclair Method to help our clients overcome their alcohol abuse.

You may not believe it, but the Sinclair Method “treats” the alcohol addicted person without requiring him to give up drinking altogether. It essentially helps people with alcohol abuse problem recover while they continue to drink in moderation.

The Sinclair Method is a unique treatment that does not rely on one’s willpower but uses opioid-controlling drugs (naltrexone or a similar substance) to help alcoholics gain control. The medication, taken one hour before the person drinks, acts as a pleasure blocker which means the person wouldn’t experience the pleasurable effects of drinking alcohol. It is intended that over time, the person will naturally crave alcohol less.

What are the Advantages of the Sinclair Method?

Proponents of the Sinclair Method boast of almost 80% success rate and the following advantages:

  • Alcohol addicted individuals can still enjoy their favorite alcoholic drink, albeit in moderation.
  • It is simple and easy since all it requires is for the alcohol addicted individual to take a pill before drinking.
  • There is no need for alcohol addicted individuals to suffer from painful withdrawal symptoms since there is no need for detoxification as this process happens naturally and gradually.
  • It allows alcohol addicted individuals to remain social and not be fearful of social gatherings that serve alcoholic drinks.
  • Alcohol addicted individuals do not have to take time off from work, enter and stay in a rehab facility, or completely change his lifestyle.

Given how the Sinclair Method works and its many benefits, wouldn’t you prefer this over the traditional alcohol addiction treatment approach? Majority of treatment facilities and rehab in Mesa do not even fully understand how this method works, which is why you should trust us at Addiction Recovery Centers to meet your recovery needs. Our treatment solutions for alcohol abuse includes the Sinclair Method and based on our experience; this technique is not only effective but even life-changing.

Rehab Mesa